From its hilltop perch, the Castell de Montjuïc affords spectacular photos ops of the city and Mediterranean Sea below. The castle itself, however, is not to be ignored. Constructed in the mid 17th century, the pentagon-shaped Montjuïc Castle has helped defend the city from many an attack. Today, however, the serene structure boasts beautiful gardens, a moat and towering stone walls. Hop on the suspended cable car at Barceloneta's San Sebastia beach and enjoy a scenic ride up to the castle; once you're there, take your time exploring the Museu Militar (Military Museum), which offers insight into the castle's violent history and showcases artifacts from its heyday, including ancient swords, uniforms and armor. After you've finished your tour of the castle, recent visitors recommend sticking around the area until after sunset to watch the spectacular light and waterworks show at the Magic Fountain, which occurs on weekend evenings throughout the year.

If you're interested in visiting the Military Museum, however, you'd better do it fast. Plans are in the works to convert Montjuïc Castle into a museum dedicated to international peace, but there is no estimated date as to when the new museum will open.
For more information, check out the Montjuïc Castle website .


Monday to Sunday: 9 am to 9 pm


Free entrance


Bus nº 50 and 55
Metro: Paral·lel (Green Line, L3) + Bus // Cable Car

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